Enterprise ESP
For Fortune 500

Customer Comunication ESP Tool For CRM

Built To Increase Revenue

Data Verification

Upload customer info, full spectrum data verification, content creation

Sending Reputation

Send engagement, AI responses, tracking, reporting

24/7 Dedicated Support

AI chat engagement, lead direction, follow up prompts

Encrypted Login

Dssktop & Mobile login capable with one click reporting

Inbox monitoring, content flagging, abuse department

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Conversion tracking, blacklist monitoring, seeding alerts

Fortune companies need to mature their customer engagement and response using artificial intelligence predictability through data verification. By using AI to study, analyze and interpret data via responses from customers and their online history, can predict based on averages and user principles of the outcome of a future sale. Proper list management with AI handles measurements with ease offering simple graphical eports of the customer data as to what customers are engaging more and when. Our customers have reported a 200% increase in sales just by using our consulting and technology.

Increase Revenue With Less Staff

AI has replaced the need for human interaction for many sending applications. Our tools replace an entire data response team by sifting through the customer databases programmatically and sending based on optin priority. Proper engagement techniques, analytics and creative driven responses keep customers who are unresponsive now be responsive later.

Abuse Handling

Our abuse department immediately responds to customer feedback and reports any abuse to the proper authorities.

AntiSpam Policy

We only send information to optin customers with date-time, IP and source. Spam will not be tolerated.

GDP Compliance

We are connected to a global network of unsubscribes and data protection agencies to keep customer information safeguarded.

White Listed

We communicate using proper feedback loops, instant communication with ISP's and have an open dialog with over 3,000 networks that monitor traffic.


With over 8 data centers, rackspaces and servers, we have our own network of clean traffic.

Green Energy

The data centers we use are water cooled and winter heated bypassing the use of air conditioning saving carbon.

ESP, Data Verification & Engagement Handling

  • One place to send optin email with full reporting
  • One place to verify and validate all sources of data
  • One place to choose target locations
  • One place to mature customer sales and support
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We support The United Nations' efforts in Agenda 2030

Caring for our planet starts with corporations and their responses to climate change. We agree and support The World Economic Forum and The United Nation's efforts in the Green New Deal.

Profile Editing

Data Reporting

Team Assigning


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